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Introducing the AI Clip Finder (+ 7 Tips and Tricks For Maximizing It!)

February 14, 2025 Deciphr AI
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Podcasting, as you’ve probably realized by now, isn’t just about hitting the record button and calling it a day. 

The process might be different for every podcaster, but chances are that your process from start to finish might include a list you can’t count on your fingers and toes anymore. 

And every step happens all over again when you start working on another episode. 

Meticulous, to say the least—and yet, still very much necessary if you want your podcast to grow. 


What if we told you that there’s one key step in the content production timeline that you’re spending more time on than you should?

We’re talking about one step in particular: 

Finding the best bits from every episode for making repurposed, high-value content.  

You might not realize it now, but you might be spending hours on finding bits from your episode that you can share with listeners. 

It might not seem like such a complicated task at first, but the truth is that it gets harder to find and pick snippets because of the difference they can make in your podcast’s traction. 

And for all the hours you spend on searching for excerpts that have the best chances of standing out in crowded feeds, you could spend on other things—like:

Reaching out to potential guests;

Engaging with your listeners on social media, or;

Planning ideas for weeks—or even months—worth of episodes. 

Sounds like you’re missing out on a lot of room for efficiency, right?

Well, with Deciphr AI’s new AI Clip Finder feature, you won’t have to worry about wasting hours finding clips that will reel listeners in anymore. 

Let’s go over everything that you need to know about it:

What is the AI Clip Finder?

Deciphr AI’s newest feature, the AI Clip Finder aims to solve one of podcasting’s biggest pain points.

Struggling to find relevant, engaging, and high-value snippets in their episode recordings to share with the world, in the most efficient way possible. 

The way the AI Clip Finder works is that it uses advanced AI algorithms to cherry-pick the most content-worthy moments in your audio or video files. From important questions to unique insights, this new feature aims to catch, note, and present it all in a matter of minutes—so you don’t have to spend hours doing the same thing. 

With Deciphr AI’s latest upgrade, you’ll be able to push the boundaries of your podcast episode’s content-related value every single time. Whether you've set your sights on growing on LinkedIn or want high-impact video reels for daily TikTok uploads (or both), the AI Clip Finder is your key to unlocking new content ideas. 

The AI Clip Finder is available across all plans so all Deciphr AI users can experience the magic of having the most valuable, content-worthy moments from their podcast episode files gathered into one place in minutes. 

But if you want to use this new feature for every upload you make in a month, every month, then it’s a better move to upgrade to the Hobbyist, Professional, or Enteprise plans (if you haven’t already).

How do I use the AI Clip Finder?

Finding and using the AI Clip Finder is as easy as it gets. Here’s how you can access and start using it to give your podcast content creation process the boost it needs. 

Step #1: Upload Your File

Once you’re on the library page, go ahead and click on the purple upload button on the upper left side of the screen. After clicking it, you’ll be taken to the upload page where you can drag and drop the audio or video file that you’d like to extract ideas from with the AI Clip Finder. 

Step #2: Head Over to the Content Suite

After uploading your file, (and waiting for seven minutes—or less—which is how long it takes for Deciphr AI to process your file) you’ll be taken to the content suite page. From here, scroll down a bit and look for the tab that says “AI Clip Finder” on the left hand side and click it. 

Step #3: Access AI Clip Finder’s Best Snippets

In the AI Clip Finder tab, you’ve got access to the segments, moments, and snippets from your upload that Deciphr AI believes to be the most content-worthy, all laid out and ready for you to choose from (or, you can choose all of them—we can’t blame you!)

Now, you’ve got an assortment of curated clips ready to use for content planning, repurposing, content creation, promotion, and a whole lot more. 

With the AI Clip Finder, you can say goodbye to spending hours on looking for content ideas and searching through your transcripts for quotes that stick. 

7 Tips to Maximize The AI Clip Finder

With the AI Clip Finder now in your content toolkit, you’ve set your podcast up to never run out of material and ideas to draw inspiration from and rework into high-value pieces of content that will keep your listeners (and potential ones, too) coming back for more. But, you probably have one question in mind:

What can you do with all these clips? A lot, actually—and here are seven tips for what you can do to maximize the AI Clip Finder.

Tip #1: Create Audiograms and Video Reels

The audiograms and video reels you get out of Deciphr AI’s Hobbyist and Professional plans are already great—but you might find yourself wanting more sometimes. Widening your content bucket and adding more audiovisual goodness into your content calendar, however, is much easier thanks to the AI Clip Finder. 

Based on what you get from the new feature’s chosen segments, you can use each section to find a moment in your podcast episode’s audio or video clip and lift some content from there—no seemingly-endless scrubbing needed, just precise directions to help you find what you’re looking for. 

Tip #2: Plan Out Content For The Week (or Month) From a Single Upload

Struggling to plan out content for the week to the point where you don't even have enough ideas to fill up the first day? The AI Clip Finder can change that. 

With Deciphr AI’s latest feature, you can easily find weeks—or even months—worth of options to add to your content calendar in just a matter of minutes. From a single upload, you’ll have multiple opportunities for blogs, social media captions, graphics, and other pieces of content, care of the AI Clip Finder. 

Tip #3: Brainstorm Content Angles For Repurposing 

While pulling content baselines from a single file is one thing, getting multiple ideas on how to angle every baseline is another. 

And, good news: the AI Clip Finder makes this process a lot smoother. 

Whenever you get a list of key moments and insights from Deciphr AI’s latest feature, you also get malleable “briefs” that give you a particular topic that can be discussed in multiple ways. Getting a snippet from AI Clip Finder that features a speaker talking about how a podcaster used Deciphr AI to make better content, for example, can point out various angles to repurpose it—like:

  • How one podcaster got XX% more listeners just by using AI;
  • 5 ways to use Deciphr AI to get XX% more listeners, or;
  • A step-by-step guide on using Deciphr AI to get XX% more listeners, as explained by a podcaster. 

With this tip, you’ll essentially get three times more content opportunities with every idea you get—and it doesn’t take more than a few minutes!

Tip #4: Add More Value to Blogs

Although the blogs you’re already putting out with the help of Deciphr AI’s Article Writer feature are already great, you can use the AI Clip Finder to make them even better. 

With a single moment, lesson, exchange, or segment that the new feature picks up, you can add more social proof and expert insights to your blogs to make them even more valuable. Using any AI Clip Finder-selected line of dialogue can help turn your blogs from sounding like this:

Deciphr AI is great because it speeds up content production and helps you attract more listeners.”

To standing out like this:

With Deciphr AI, you can speed up your content creation with a range of powerful tools to help you get the job done. Podcaster Roe Jogan, in fact, got XX% more listeners when he started using it for his content creation—as he mentions on the Totally Not Fake Podcast Made to Make a Point Podcast:

[AI Clip Finder-selected moment transcript or embedded player segment here]

Tip #5: Make a Podcast Trailer for Every Episode

As much as you think it works, having the same general podcast trailer for every episode you put out gets really old, really quickly—and your listeners probably agree (but they won’t tell you that). 

Instead of boring your current listeners with the same 15-second intro every time, you can switch things up by using AI Clip Finder to help you create a more engaging opener that acts as a trailer for your episode. By picking two or three lines of dialogue from the option list and stringing them together, you’ll have an easy-to-make podcast trailer for every installment of your show that gets people excited and ready to listen from the get-go.

Looking for a simple, yet powerful piece of content that helps funnel listeners from their feeds to your episode in minutes? Key takeaway carousels will do the trick—and the AI Clip Finder can help you make them faster. 

With Deciphr AI’s latest feature, you’ll easily have six slides of text you can use to make a podcast episode key takeaway carousel that draws eyes to your podcast. It also answers the question of “why I should tune in?” And if you want to take things a step further, you can select a single moment that the AI Clip Finder highlights and build an entire carousel based on what it’s about—how about that for maximizing content?

Tip #7: Draft Value-Driven Social Media Captions

A social media caption that promotes your podcast episode will bring listeners in—but a caption that has value in it from the episode itself performs a whole lot better. 

Using the options that you get from the AI Clip Finder, you can make high-value captions that share key insights from your podcast and drives more listens to your latest episode. And when you give people the value they’re looking for, you get to drive a hard bargain that convinces them to tune in ASAP. 

Try Deciphr’s AI Clip Finder

And there you have it: the AI Clip Finder—Deciphr AI’s latest feature that lets you handle one of your biggest, time-consuming pain points in just a few minutes. 

With this new, AI-driven tool, you’ll be able to save time on ideating for fresh, engaging content and focus on other parts of your podcasting process that need your attention and effort the most. All you’ll need to do is upload your file, wait a few minutes, and find all the most relevant and engaging sections from your audio or video file laid out, ready for you to use!