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Hands-on Descript Review: Our 30+ Days Tested Findings in 2024

October 23, 2024 Deciphr AI
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I'm sure you've spent countless hours transcribing and editing your podcast recordings. It's frustrating, knowing there's valuable content hidden that takes forever to pull out.

Podcast expert Rachel Corbett suggests dedicating 8-10 hours a week per episode. But what if you've got a day job, kids, or other responsibilities?

This Descript review is for the podcasters who need to free up a tad bit more of their time. Without sacrificing podcast quality.

In this in-depth review, I will share my insights on Descript for post-production work. We'll cover transcription capabilities, editing prowess, and overall user experience. Descript pricing is also broken down by plan later in this review.

We'll examine the quality of Descript content output, discovering its strengths and weaknesses. Is it worth investing in if you want to use it for content creation? This Descript review will help you decide if it is the right fit for your post-production workflow.

Whether you're a pro or still new, consider this essential reading before you decide to invest in a tool.  Grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let me guide you through the Descript experience.

Before we dive deeper into the Descript review, let's first understand what Descript is.

What is Descript?

Descript is a video editing tool. It is also a podcast editing tool. Yup, it's a 2-in-1. Descript uses artificial intelligence to make editing easier and more efficient.

The platform provides various features to assist podcasters with post-production. These features simplify tasks like transcription, voice replication, and content creation for socials.

What Descript is used for?

During the test, we found that Descript has the ability to transcribe audio and video recordings automatically. The accuracy of the transcriptions is decent. This helps you to edit and reuse your content.

You can also create voiceovers with the help of AI or change the voice of a speaker in a recording. Additionally, you can use Descript to remove background noise, improving sound quality.

Here’s what else you can do with Descript:

  • Edit Videos
  • Record Podcasts Remotely
  • Transcribe Audios and Videos
  • Use Green Screen Effect
  • Remove Background Noise
  • Use Voice Cloning

You can also do post-production content creation like:

  • Generate Summary of a Podcast
  • Make Show Notes for a Podcast
  • Write Social Media Captions
  • Write and Rewrite Script
  • Make Blog Post

Now, let’s take a closer look at the features we explored in our Descript review.

Descript Review: Our 30-Day Findings

In 30 days, we (me and my team) edited 3 episodes and tested key features to share our honest experience with you.

Our testing approach

We put Descript through its paces, focusing on four core areas to review:

  1. Descript AI Action Tools Review
  2. Descript Transcription Review
  3. Descript Video Editing Review
  4. Descript Overdub Review

We tested Descript’s transcription feature and Descript AI Action tools for post-production. The goal? To test its ability to create engaging social media posts, summaries, YouTube descriptions, and blogs.

We also evaluated its ease of use, especially for those without advanced editing skills.

Let’s begin our Descript review with one of the most important features for post podcast content creation.

Descript AI Action Tools Review:

Descript’s AI Action tools lets you generate content in a variety of formats. This includes articles, summaries, social media posts and more, entirely from your podcast. Automating this makes it a huge timesaver for the post-production grind.

Here’s the list of tools under Descript AI Action.

Descript Podcast Show Notes Generator

  • Accuracy: Throughout testing, I observed a consistent struggle with understanding specific terms and jargon. The notes often missed crucial details.
  • Comprehensiveness: It was a mixed bag. Sometimes, it understood the main idea, but often skimmed over pivotal points. Formatting: Despite its struggles with accuracy, the format was clean and organized.

Descript Podcast Summary Generator

  • Brevity vs. Detail: The summaries were concise, but often overlooked important parts of the discussion.
  • Context Understanding: The AI struggled to understand complex or nuanced topics crucial for a summary.
  • Usefulness: For a quick overview, it did an average job, but for in-depth understanding, it fell short.

Descript Social Media Post Generator

  • Consistency: This aspect was unpredictable. Sometimes it crafted snippets perfect for social sharing, other times it was off-mark.
  • Creativity: The generated posts lacked the creative flair that usually captures attention on social platforms.
  • Hit or Miss: The outcome was like a game of chance. Some days it delivered, other days, it was disappointing.

Descript Script Generator

  • Efficiency: It quickly generated basic scripts, which was a time-saver.
  • Depth: The scripts lacked depth and understanding that a human scriptwriter could provide.
  • Customization: I often had to edit the scripts to better match my style and the podcast's tone.

Descript Article Writer

  • Generality vs. Specialization: It managed general topics adequately, but struggled with more specialized or niche content.
  • Flow: The articles sometimes felt disjointed, as if pieced together by different writers.
  • Research Depth: It’s not a substitute for thorough, nuanced writing or research.

Descript's AI Action tools acted as an eager but inexperienced assistant. They provided a starting point for creating content. However, they require significant oversight and editing.

For time-saving, basic content creation, these tools can be useful. For shows relying on depth and a personalized touch, the tools weren't quite up to scratch.

They're helpful, but don't replace the understanding and creativity of a human creator.

Descript Transcription Review

Transcription is crucial for podcast editing as it converts spoken audio to text. This allows for easy editing, repurposing, and accessibility. We examined Descript’s transcription capabilities based on three main aspects: accuracy, editing, and exporting.

Accuracy of Transcripts

  • Inconsistencies Noted: Throughout our testing period, we noticed varying degrees of accuracy in the transcription. The tool struggled particularly with diverse accents and fast-paced speech. Not us, here’s what other customers have to say about its quality.

  • Manual Corrections Required: We frequently had to spend time correcting errors. It was time-consuming and detracted from the overall efficiency of the process.

Editing Transcript

  • Interface Challenges: Navigating and utilizing these tools was not as intuitive as expected.

  • Time-Consuming Process: Adjusting and correcting the transcribed text was more labor-intensive than anticipated. This undermines the convenience of using an automated transcription service.

Exporting Transcript

  • Exporting Flexibility: Exporting the transcript was straightforward. We were able to export transcript in 5 formats which can be used for different purposes.

  • Compatibility Issues: There were occasional issues with the compatibility of exported transcripts. This added an extra layer of complexity to our workflow.

Descript's transcription did not meet our expectations, even though it's used by 10,000+ podcasters.

The transcription had inaccuracies and the editing interface was not user-friendly. The export options were also restrictive. This caused the process to be less efficient than expected.

Descript may not fully meet the needs of users seeking a reliable transcription solution. This is especially true for those dealing with diverse accents and professional settings.

Descript Editor Review

With Descript, instead of just moving clips around, you edit the video by changing the words in the transcript. It's like editing a document, which then changes the video. This can be ideal for use with long podcast videos.

Here’s My Observations

  • Edit Videos Quickly: The best part is how you can edit videos by just changing the text. This saves a lot of time, especially for long videos.
  • Transcript and Video Together: When you edit the text, the video changes too. This might help in cases where you want to cut out parts you don’t need or want to fix mistakes.

  • Not the Only Tool for Pros: If you're a professional podcaster used to programs like Adobe Premiere, Descript may not be a suitable replacement. It simplifies editing, but lacks some professional editing functions.

Descript is an ideal choice for podcasters who want to edit videos quickly and easily. If you want to focus on creating content, it's great. It's especially good if you don't want to learn difficult editing software.

But, if you need very advanced video editing, you might need to use Descript along with other tools. Descript has a smart idea for editing podcasts: changing the transcript. This could revolutionize video editing for podcasts. But remember, it’s not perfect for everything.

Descript Overdub Review

Overdub allows you to create a digital clone of your voice, which can be used to add or replace parts of your audio.

This feature offers many benefits. Podcasters can make quick edits or corrections without re-recording. They are especially helpful for saving time and effort.

My Findings on Overdub

  • Accuracy: The voice cloning capability of Overdub is quite impressive. While it does a commendable job of mimicking speech patterns and tones, it's not flawless. The AI's influence is noticeable at times, revealing authenticity issues. However, for most parts of the podcast, it seamlessly blends in.
  • Training and Efficiency: The initial training phase requires some effort. You need to feed it enough of your voice data to create a convincing clone. The more data you provide, the more accurate and natural the result. Investing time upfront can pay off when making frequent audio corrections.
  • Use Case: Overdub is helpful for correcting small errors in a podcast. It can also fill in missing words. It's a lifesaver when you realize post-recording that a small segment was missed or a fact was misstated. Instead of re-recording, Overdub can patch it up.
  • Limitations: We found it can fall short in longer segments or where tonal inflection is key. It's best used for short, simple insertions.

Overdub can be very useful, especially for small changes in your podcast. It saves time, but it’s not perfect for everything. Just remember, it’s better for small edits, not big changes.

Descript Top 5 Most Liked Feature By Customers

Here are features that are popular among users.

Overdub Feature

Descript's Overdub feature lets you create a digital voice. This voice can read or replace parts of your audio. This is especially handy for fixing a small part of a podcast or adding a section without re-recording the whole piece. It's like having a digital voice actor at your disposal.

Filler Word Removal

Descript has the ability to identify and remove filler words like "uhm," "ah," and "you know." This saves you time editing, helping you sound more professional and polished.

Live Collaboration

Descript provides live collaboration tools. These tools allow multiple team members to work together on a project at the same time. This is especially helpful for us. We work on tight deadlines and collaborate with remote team members.

Screen Recording Integration

Descript's editing tools integrate with its screen recording feature. This makes it easier to create tutorials or videocasts with accompanying visual elements.

Interactive Transcripts

Descript provides interactive transcripts that sync with the audio. This feature is helpful for easily navigating our recordings. It also helps create accessible content for our audience.

These features bring a distinct element to our podcasting, improving efficiency and creativity.

Descript Top 5 Features Suffered By Real Users

Here's the top features that are less favored, specifically in relation to podcasting.

Transcription Inaccuracies for Accents

Podcasters often face challenges with Descript's transcription accuracy. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with various accents. Spending time on manual corrections is common, and can be tedious for podcasts with diverse speakers.

Limited Advanced Audio Editing Capabilities

Descript offers basic audio editing tools. However, users find its advanced audio editing and mixing capabilities lacking. Podcasters who need advanced audio editing may find this restrictive.

Frequent Software Updates Leading to Feature Relocation

Descript regularly updates its software, which often results in the relocation of features. This constant change requires podcasters to regularly adapt, disrupting their established editing routines.

Interface and File Management Complexities

Navigating through files and managing multiple podcast episodes in Descript can be challenging. The interface is not intuitive, affecting the efficiency of podcast production. It is especially difficult when working with extensive content.

Technical Bugs and Glitches

Descript users frequently encounter technical issues that can disrupt the podcast editing process. These range from minor inconveniences to bigger operational problems that can impede production.

Descript Pricing Review

The Descript pricing plans may not be suitable for every podcaster. This is particularly true if you want to use the tool for post-podcast content creation. Let's take a closer look.

Free Plan - $0

What You Get:

  • 1 hr/month of transcription
  • 1 hr/month of remote recording
  • 720p video export resolution
  • 5GB cloud storage

Why It Might Not Be Worth It:

  • Low video quality can compromise the professionalism of your content.
  • Minimal storage space limits your ability to manage and archive episodes.

Creator Plan - $12 to $15 per user/month

What You Get:

  • 10 hr/month transcription and recording each
  • 4K video export
  • Access to first 12 results in stock library search
  • 100GB cloud storage

Why It Might Not Be Worth It:

  • The transcription limit might be inadequate for active podcasters.
  • Limited stock library access restricts creative options.
  • The cost can add up quickly for a small team or solo creator.

Pro Plan - $24 to $30 per user/month

What You Get:

  • 30 hr/month transcription and recording each
  • Unlimited video exports
  • 1TB cloud storage
  • Advanced editing features

Why It Might Not Be Worth It:

  • The high cost can be a significant burden for independent podcasters.
  • The features might be excessive for simple podcasting needs.
  • Managing the advanced features can be time-consuming and complex.

Enterprise Plan - Custom Pricing

What You Get:

  • Customizable features
  • Unlimited transcription and recording hours
  • Unlimited cloud storage
  • Dedicated support

Why It Might Not Be Worth It:

  • The cost can be exorbitant for small podcasting setups.
  • Many of the features may be superfluous for basic podcasting.
  • The complexity of managing a large-scale plan can be overwhelming.

Descript offers different plans, but may not be practical or cost-effective for podcasters.

The Free and Creator plans, although budget-friendly, have considerable storage and feature limitations. The Pro and Enterprise plans offer extensive features, but can be costly for solo podcasters or small teams. The decision to use Descript should be carefully weighed against these considerations.

Top 5 Pros Of Using Descript

Let's break down the top 5 pros of using Descript.

Video Editing

  • User-Friendly: Its streamlined video editing interface makes it accessible for users with varied skill levels.
  • Time-Saving: The editing process is made simpler, especially for social media and professional presentations.
  • Integrated Features: Combines video and audio editing in one platform, allowing for seamless content creation.

Filler Word Removal

  • Automatic Detection: Identifies and removes common filler words like "uhm" and "ah", cleaning up speech.
  • Enhances Audio Quality: Results in a more professional and polished podcast or video presentation.
  • Customization: Users can choose which fillers to remove, tailoring cleanup to specific needs.

Fast Transcription Process

  • Speed: Offers quick transcription, significantly reducing the time needed for manual labor
  • Accuracy: High level of precision in converting spoken words to written text, minimizing errors.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the process of creating transcripts for podcasts, interviews, and video content.

Content Repurposing

  • Versatility: Enables users to repurpose audio and video content for different platforms and formats.
  • Efficiency: From social media to blogs, the process of adapting content for different uses is streamlined.
  • Creativity: Encourages creative use of existing material, maximizing the reach and impact of content.

Overdub Feature

  • Voice Synthesis: Creates a digital voice for reading or replacing parts of audio, useful for corrections or additions.
  • Customization: Enables personalized voice creation, offering a unique touch to audio content.
  • Convenience: Particularly useful for making small changes without the need to re-record entire sections.

Top 5 Cons Of Using Descript

Here are the top 5 cons of using Descript.

Poor Customer Support

  • Responsiveness: Users report delays and unhelpful responses in resolving issues.
  • Limited Resources: Lack of comprehensive support materials or guides for troubleshooting.
  • Frustration: Can lead to significant user dissatisfaction and hinder the workflow.

Learning Curve

  • Complexity: New users may find Descript overwhelming, requiring a huge investment of time to learn.
  • Training Needs: Lack of intuitive guidance for beginners, necessitating external resources or trial-and-error learning.
  • Adaptation: Regular updates may change the interface or functionality, requiring users to continuously adapt.

Complex to Use

  • User Interface: Some users find the interface not intuitive, particularly when dealing with advanced features.
  • File Management: Organizing and managing multiple projects or files can be cumbersome and confusing.
  • Feature Overload: The wide range of features, while beneficial, can also complicate the user experience.

Reliability Issues

  • Software Stability: Users encounter bugs and glitches that can disrupt the editing process.
  • Operational Problems: Technical issues range from minor inconveniences to significant barriers that affect project completion.
  • Update Challenges: Frequent updates, while intended to improve the platform, can sometimes introduce new problems.

Auto Transcripts

  • Accent Sensitivity: Automated transcription struggles with various accents, leading to inaccuracies.
  • Editing Requirement: Requires additional time for manual correction, especially for diverse speech patterns.
  • Limitation: The transcription feature is usually fast and efficient. However, it may not always meet the needs of users with unique or specialized content.

Descript offers powerful tools and features for video editing and content repurposing. These prove highly beneficial for content creators.

On the other end, the drawbacks of this product are significant factors to consider. They include a steep learning curve, complexity, reliability issues, and poor customer support.

Is Descript Worth It For Your Podcasting Needs?

Descript is worth considering for basic podcast editing needs. But, its limitations become apparent in more complex projects.

Descript offers efficient audio and video editing through its text-based interface. It performs well in transforming spoken words into editable text. This makes it ideal for straightforward tasks. The catch? It struggles with varied accents and lacks depth in advanced editing capabilities.

The AI Action Tools, such as automated show notes and social media posts, are quick and convenient. The downside is they often lack accuracy, so manual refinements are necessary.

If you’re looking for a content repurposing tool, then Descript might not be a great option to go for. Its core capabilities lie in editing video and audio for podcasts. Here’s why you should look out for an alternative for content repurposing needs.

Why Consider an Alternative?

  • Inconsistencies: The AI tools sometimes found it hard to process complex topics and nuances in language. This led to inaccuracies in automated show notes and summaries.
  • Need for Depth: For podcasts with intricate subjects, a tool that captures detail is crucial.
  • Enhanced Customization. With varied content creation needs for socials, reels, and beyond, a flexible platform can be more effective.

Descript's AI Action tools are efficient for basic tasks. The downside is it can lack the depth and accuracy needed for more nuanced content creation.

This is why Deciphr focuses on these particular areas. We know from talking to thousands of podcasters that these are most important to them.

Deciphr: Descript’s Best Alternative For Content Generation

Deciphr AI is designed with podcasters in mind. It's made to generate high-quality content in minutes.

The seamless creation of an entire content suite is made possible. It offers automated show notes, reels, transcripts, blogs, and more. This is all based off a single episode that you upload.

Unlike Descript, its core capability is to repurpose podcast episodes for various platforms. This ensures your stories connect with a broader audience. This focus makes Deciphr AI the go-to for extending podcast influence.

With Deciphr you can generate:

Written Content

  • Show Notes
  • Summary
  • Article
  • Transcript
  • Chapters or Timestamps
  • Quotes
  • Tweet Thread
  • Captions
  • SEO Keywords
  • Title Suggestions

Multimedia Content

  • Audiograms
  • Video Reels

Unlike Descript, Deciphr specializes in repurposing podcast episodes. Deciphr also has Plan – a nifty tool that designs your episode plan with just the sound of your voice. Plan is one tool in Deciphr’s toolkit which also includese Dictionary, Pages, and Search.

Deciphr Pricing

Here's a straightforward breakdown of Deciphr's pricing plans.

Flexi Free Plan

  • Cost: $0 per month.
  • Features: Offers automatic content repurposing, from show notes to blogs.
  • Ideal for: Beginning podcasters who want more robust features and upload time capabilities

Hobbyist Plan

  • Cost: $29 per month, or $24 per month when billed annually.
  • Features: Includes everything in the Flexi Free plan, plus an in-app content editor and AI assistant.
  • Ideal for: Active users who need additional features for a more enhanced podcasting experience.

Professional Plan

  • Cost: $69 per month, or $24 per month with annual billing.
  • Features: Builds on the Hobbyist plan with enhanced features. This includes automatic audiograms, instant video reels, and advanced content creation.
  • Ideal for: Professional podcasters seeking a suite of tools for extensive content creation and management.

There are different plans for podcasting needs, catering to various levels. The free plan is for basic use, while the Pro plan is for those with advanced requirements in podcasting.

Choose a plan that matches your podcasting goals. The plan should also be appropriate for the scale of your operations.

Why Choose Deciphr Over Descript for Content Generation?

Deciphr's focus on content repurposing aligns well with the needs of podcasters looking to extend their reach across multiple channels. It's adept at transforming podcast episodes into various content formats like blog posts, social media captions, and video reels.

It includes SEO keyword, Podcast Title suggestions, a feature missing in Descript, providing an edge in ranking content on search engines.

Deciphr's user-friendly interface and customer support make it a more appealing option for podcasters who prioritize content distribution and outreach.

Descript: Ideal for Audio/Video Editing Enthusiasts

Descript is for those who prioritize straightforward audio and video editing. Its features include:

  • Text-Based Editing: Simplifies video editing, making it accessible even for beginners.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendly for basic editing tasks, though it may not suffice for advanced editing needs.

Best For: Podcasters and content creators looking mainly for editing and refining their audio and video content, but not really content repurposing or extensive SEO optimization.

Deciphr: A Powerhouse for Content Repurposing

Deciphr, on the other hand, excels in repurposing podcast content across multiple platforms. Its key features include:

  • Content Transformation: Converts podcast episodes into various formats like audiograms, video reels, and blog posts.

  • SEO Optimization: Provides valuable SEO keyword suggestions, enhancing content visibility online.
  • User Experience: Offers a more intuitive interface and robust customer support.

Best For: Podcasters who need a tool for extending the reach of their content, especially those who regularly engage in multi-platform publishing and are keen on brand building and SEO strategies.

Final Comparison and Decision-Making Guidance

When deciding between Descript and Deciphr, consider the following:

  • Your Primary Focus: If audio and video editing is your core need, Descript might be an option you can go for. For a broader approach that includes reels and SEO, Deciphr is more suitable.
  • Complexity of Projects: What content do you need? Descript is great for podcast projects, while Deciphr offers multi-format podcast marketing.
  • Budget and Team Size: Consider the cost implications and how they align with your team size and project scale.


Your choice between Descript and Deciphr should align with your podcasting goals.

Descript enhances audio and video elements for your podcast. It's a solid choice, especially for basic editing. If you want to increase your podcast's reach, Deciphr is the tool to use with its smart repurposing. (Try it free).

By understanding the strengths of each, you can make an informed decision that best suits you.