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4 Ways to Use Deciphr AI for More Than Transcripts

October 23, 2024 Deciphr AI
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What are you doing to promote your podcast? 

Thousands of podcasters are taking a single piece of audio, and turning it into a dynamic content suite. We’re talking a full transcript, show notes, summary, timestamps, pulled quotes, and more—just a few clicks after logging in to Deciphr.

In this guide, we show you how else to leverage Deciphr AI to promote your latest episodes.

  1. Use ChatGPT to Write Blogs from Summaries
  2. Create Social Media Snippets Using Quotes
  3. Create Reels From Timestamped Transcript
  4. Make Email Newsletters from Summaries

Armed with these strategies, podcasters can expand their reach, engage their audience, and establish their podcast as a go-to resource in their niche.


Podcasters are mad busy—so no foul, no shame for just the usual shoutout on socials. Sometimes, it’s all you can muster after the grueling work of releasing a podcast.

Content is still king, though. Creating high-quality content is a must if you want to grow your audience. We dive into 4 ways you can leverage Deciphr to create a diverse range of engaging materials using ChatGPT and other free tools.

1. Use ChatGPT to Write Blogs

Isn't it frustrating when your podcast's audio nuggets are hidden in an hour-long episode, unheard by a wider audience? Turn your podcast summary into a blog. Lather, rinse, repeat.

First, ready your show notes or article draft. You can either write this manually, or use Deciphr to get it done in a couple of minutes. Deciphr automatically generates show notes and an article about your podcast episode, but we understand you might want to do edits on that: make it longer or shorter, use certain keywords, or make it more reflective of your own tone of voice.

Afterwards, go on ChatGPT and write a prompt to repurpose the show notes or article into a blog. A good prompt is structured like so:

  1. Persona specifies the role you want the AI to assume (e.g. content writer, case study writer, social media writer)
  2. Problem or Task defines the problem or task you want the AI to help you solve, as well as the steps to complete the task. Be granular here and outline word count, goal, and other instructions.
  3. Voice and Tone specifies the desired voice and tone for the AI's response. Protip: make a specific ask by using “write in the style of [famous author/company]”.
  4. Context shows background information the AI needs to write what you want. This is where the Deciphr summary or article comes in handy.

All that’s left is to hit send and edit until content.

2. Create Social Media Snippets Using Quotes

So, you've got these killer quotes from your podcast episode, right? Here's how you can highlight them for social media with Canva and Deciphr.

  1. Pull quotes from your episode. You can do this manually, or use Deciphr to extract the best parts. Now, you've got your quotes. 
  2. Make graphics at Canva. Pick a template that screams 'you.' Customize it by using brand colors and fonts. Hack: Set up a Canva brand kit—it’ll put your brand colors, fonts, and logos in one place and it’s easy to pull up in edit mode, whenever, wherever.
  3. Paste your pulled quote. Keep it punchy, keep it real. Make sure you adjust the text so it doesn't overlap with the template's borders or design elements.
  4. Download. Share. Repeat. Your social media snippets are ready to slay. Don't forget to post them when your audience is most active. Protip: Look at your social media analytics to find out when that is.

3. Create Reels From Timestamped Transcript

Deciphr generates reels and audiograms for paid plans. If you're on the free plan, here's how you can use a Deciphr transcript and turn it into video reel. It can sound intimidating to go from audio to video, but we’ll walk you through it.

  1. Browse your Deciphr transcript for the clip you want. Protip: use the search feature to help you select a clip faster. Take note of the timestamp.
  2. Choose a video editing tool. This can be something simple like Canva. No judgment, alright? As long as the work gets done. We also recommend using these apps that automatically add subtitles.
  3. Snip, snip, snip. Import your podcast’s audio to your video editing tool of choice and jump to the timestamp you want. Trim and cut until all you have left is the excerpt you chose. Best to keep this at 30 seconds or less to make the next step easier.
  4. Layer with visuals. Doesn’t have to be complicated. If you have a video recording with your guest, pull it up and sync with audio. If you have none, use stock footage. Here’s 12 free stock video sites with great footage.
  5. Download. And that’s that.

4. Make Email Newsletters from Summaries

Transforming your episode summaries into captivating email newsletters is easier than you think. Let's dive in and get started!

  1. Grab your Deciphr'd article and fire up ChatGPT. Open up ChatGPT and prompt it to create an email newsletter, complete with tone of voice, target market, structure, and other instructions. This ensures you get the output you want to have.
  2. Just add context. Before hitting Enter on your prompt, copy paste your Deciphr'd article and tell ChatGPT to use it as context.
  3. Load it in an emailer. Choose an email marketing platform like Woodpecker or Mailchimp to handle your campaigns. There are tons of templates to choose from or you can even craft a flow that’s tailored to your audience by starting with a blank campaign.
  4. Make the edits. There should always be a human in the loop when it comes to AI. Take the ChatGPT-generated output and edit, edit, edit. Add your personal touch, tweak the wording, add hyperlinks, and other information ChatGPT failed to include.
  5. Proofread, polish, and hit send. Don't skip the final touch-ups! Review your email, check for typos, and make sure the formatting is on point with preview features. Platforms like Active Campaign allow you to send the email to yourself first so you can check how it would appear to a subscriber.
  6. Deliver. Once everything looks spick and span, take a deep breath and hit that send button. Your audience is eagerly waiting for your next email.

Wrapping Up

Deciphr AI changes how podcasters approach content creation. By leveraging the power of automation, podcasters can expand their reach, engage with audiences on various platforms, and save valuable time. 

Remember, podcasting is not limited to audio alone. The possibilities are endless, as you can transform your audio content into blogs, social media snippets, videos, infographics, and so much more. 

So, ready to amplify your podcast's reach? Try Deciphr AI now and make lighter your marketing process.